
Nuevo Léon, Mexico: 62% Less Death

Total Confirmed COVID-19 Deaths per Million Residents

Over the last month and a half, the COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc in South Texas. The county of Hidalgo, whose seat of government is located just 160 miles from Monterrey, Nuevo Léon (pop. 4.7 million), has seen 999 deaths attributable to COVID-19 thru August 18th.

On a per capita basis, Hidalgo County, TX has accumulated 1,134 deaths per million residents. This metric is at a level 3.5 times of the one observed in the state of Nuevo León, Mexico.

The comparison in death rates is quite unfavorable to the US if one additionally considers that Mexico has a GDP of 20,703 USD/capita, 32% of the 65,127 USD/capita estimated by the OECD for its neighbor to the north.