
The Rio Grande Valley of Death

Daily COVID-19 Deaths per Million Residents as of July 24th

Seven-day trailing average by number of days since 3 average daily deaths first recorded (date of such occurrence in parenthesis)

The highest COVID-19 daily mortality rate yet recorded in a US metropolitan area is 61.7 deaths per million residents (New York City on April 20). Notwithstanding this, by July 24 the lethality of COVID-19 in the Big Apple had been brought down to 1.2 deaths per million New Yorkers.

Coincidentally enough, COVID-19 lethality also reached its peak on April 20 in New Orleans (31.7 deaths per million) and the city similarly managed to bring the pandemic under control to a level of 1.8 in the most recent statistic.

As it stands today, however, it is South Texas where COVID-19 is deadliest and the pandemic out of control. Out of 67 US metropolitan areas analyzed, it is the Rio Grande Valley (RGV), Laredo and Corpus Christi — all in the state of Texas — that rank at the top of the list in lethality (30.9, 18.1 and 15.5 deaths per million residents).

What does this situation portend for northeastern Mexico?