
Business School Pablum

Wordcount in EGADE’s Decalogue for the Economic & Business Refounding of Mexico

Yesterday the EGADE Business School, which touts its ranking as the top business school in Latin America, published 10 commandments for the “economic and business refounding of Mexico” (Decálogo para la Refundación Económico-Empresarial de México).

The document is striking because in its analysis and prescription it completely avoids mentioning tax and competition policy.

The Mexican economy has been a pathetic failure for decades in terms of creating more and better paying jobs. It has been, however, very successful in creating a robber baron billionaire class that has immiserated tens of millions of the country’s citizens.

In reaching this tragic state of affairs in Mexico’s economy there are two key points of State failure: free-reining anti-competitve behavior on the part of large business interests and a tax system so favorable to capital that one would think it was designed to rival that of offshore tax havens and not to serve 130 million citizens in an OECD member country.

It is quite sad to see a university — an institution that should prize critical thinking and debate in the community — become devoted to training economic bureaucrats and apologists of a profoundly unjust social order.