
La Peste

Quarantine and COVID-19 Mortality

COVID-19 Daily Deaths are reported as a 7-day trailing average

With COVID-19 deaths on the rise and fears that the worst is yet to come, Mexico is lifting the lockdown it initiated almost three months ago. The true toll of the pandemic in the country is likely to be higher due to underreported deaths.

Mexico’s approach to tackling COVID-19 has not prioritized testing, which for the 7-day period ending June 10th averaged 0.05 individuals tested per day per thousand inhabitants vs. 0.27 in South Korea. The country is also far behind in developing and deploying contact tracing capabilities, a key tool in South Korea’s successful fight against the pandemic and a pillar of New York City’s plan to safely lift stay-at-home orders.

Is Mexico’s COVID-19 strategy too reliant on good luck and divine intervention?